Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Clean water for Xiushan

We are members of a yahoo group for people who have adopted babies from Xiushan SWI(pronounced Shu-shan) in China. Someone posted some great pictures today from the website of a charity that just installed a new water system for the orphanage that was Piper's home for her first 10 months of life. As I look through the pictures and the closeups of the beautiful babies, it's almost too much for me, but I must look. I must look into the eyes of each of those gorgeous children, knowing full well that Piper's face could have very well been in one of those pictures instead of the ones that cover our family's website. I feel such a connection to those babies that now sleep in the beds that she slept in, and play with the toys that she played with. The nanny in picture #71 is the one who handed Piper Grace Zhu to us on that February day. I pray with all of my heart that somehow, each one them finds a family to love and care for them. I know I will carry a burden in my heart for the rest of my life for these children. That burden causes me to pray, and look for a way to give back.
I am so glad that Xiushan will have clean water now, so glad. Piper came to us with a digestive illness, from the water. A round of antibiotics took care of it, but I am just glad that those babies will have the clean water they deserve and will have one less problem to deal with. I encourage you to look at the pictures and imagine if it were your child that you see. If you are so inclined, pray for them, let yourself see them, and pray for them. I think of the utter joy I will feel someday when all wrongs are made right, and we are able to see justice for these little ones. Piper's orphanage, Xiushan, is in pictures 54-74.
Click on China 2007 then you can click the arrow to get to the higher numbers. Click on a number to see that photograph.

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