Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Details

If you are reading this post, I will assume you already know our family and know that we are in the process of adopting a baby from China. Just to get everyone up to speed as to where we are in the process, I thought I'd give you a rundown of where we've been and what we expect in the next few months.

Two and a half years ago, we began seriously discussing the possibility of adopting. After much research, prayer, and talking to others who had adopted, we said "yes" to this incredible calling and in Nov. of 2004, sent in our application to adopt from China. At the time we thought we could be home with our baby by Christmas of 2005 - Ha! Well, it took us until August 26, 2005 to get all of our paperwork completed, signed, notarized, notarized again, approved by our government, and in the hands of the CCAA (the China Center for Adoption . At that time the wait to receive a referral was 6 months from the time you were logged in. We were logged in on September 9, 2005. (LID 9/9/05)

So we expected a referral, which includes pictures and medical information on the baby you have been carefully matched with, in March of 2006. That would have us traveling to China in May of 2006. Well, we have now been "logged in" exactly 14 months.

If you've just now started following our journey, count yourself blessed! You are getting in on the good part. The ups and downs, twists and turns have been trying at times, but I can honestly look at it all now and say I think the timing will turn out to be a blessing for our family. This extra time has given H & E extra time to grow and mature. They are so excited about having a little sister! E has nicknamed her "Snowflake" for some reason.

God has used this time to prepare us for what is ahead, and it has been a precious time in our lives. I know that God knows her name and where she is at this very moment, and we will hold her at just the right time. We have requested a girl, as young as possible (could mean b/t 6-12 months old or older). People with LID's through 8/25/05 have been given referrals, so there is a chance we could receive ours next time, or in January. Referrals come out roughly once a month and are expected at the end of November or beginning of December. However, if we've learned anything from this process, it's to expect the unexpected. Stay tuned!

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