Sunday, November 04, 2007

Somebody forgot to explain te beauty of the time change to our kids, again

It's taken us 7 years to accept that when you have small kids, you don't get an extra hour of sleep when we all "fall back". Last night we were hopeful, excited, dreamy - looking forward to that extra hour of slumber. We set the clocks back with glee just after we put the kids to bed, following the painful Alabama loss to LSU.
Scott is starting a new job on Monday, and was tossing and turning most of the night with anxiety. He said he was having an agonizing dream of not being able to find his work, and walking through scary neighborhoods trying to find it. He is going to be thrilled that I've shared this. Anyway, I didn't sleep well with all of the tossing and turning and all, but every time I woke up, I kept reminding myself about that extra hour sleep that I was going to get.
I heard the first rumblings of awake children and glanced at my clock, 5:45 (6:45, kid time).
First Hunter, then Piper, then Ella. By 6:00, we were all up, well except Scott, who had finally settled in for a peaceful snooze.
Oh, well, there's always next year.


Peapod Four said...

We watched the end of the Alabama/LSU game...painful was a good choice of words.

Kim said...

I am glad we NEVER change time...
We are always the same here in sunny AZ...

Christy said...

YOu know, a few favorite drugs (benadryl) can help with that one but I have yet been brave enough to try it. I know, what is up with that. They kids just wake up like little alarm clocks-- uggg!!! I NEED SLEEP!!!!

Christy :)

Bob and Tricia said...

Thank you so much for posting on our blog. I would LOVE the chance to talk to you a bit about the orphanage. If you would not mind sending me an email that would be terrific!

Thank you and you have a beautiful family!
