Friday, May 09, 2008

The list

So, has it really been 2 weeks since my last post? Geez, May is always so full of this and that when you have kids in school. I did try to post twice, but blogger would not let me in. I took it as a sign from above that I should get up from the computer and put a dent in the layer of dust that had formed on every surface of our house while I was busy field tripping and teacher appreciating.

The only way I get through he month of May of is to live off lists. So, in that spirit, I'm going to get some things I want to write about out of my brain and onto a list. That way, when I have time to write, all I will have to do is pick something off of my list - no thinking - it's a beautiful thing.

1. The prayer that was answered in our family, despite my 1/2 of a mustard seed of faith.

2. slide show of Piper's b-day pictures

3. Piper's latest, and trying to cook dinner with a 2 year old attached to your leg

4. Attempting to regain some level of fitness

5. Summer plans

6. My living room

7. Ella and Piper's room

Ok, that's a good start.

In case I'm not back by Sunday, Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas!!!

1 comment:

Peapod Four said...

Glad you are ok... I had already decided that you had a few more days and then I was going to start leaving 'where are you?' and 'are you ok?' comments. : )

Happy Mother's Day to you too!