Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Our "textbook" baby!

This will have to be quick as I'm in a big hurry this morning, but just wanted to let everyone know what the doctor said about PG. He said her growth and development are remarkable and if it were him, he would not hesitate to accept her referral. His experience is that China's medical and developmental records are very accurate. He is actually in the process of adopting from China himself.
Our other good news is that after I emailed the orphan officer in Oklahoma, in charge of the form we need I171H, and told her that we had a referral, she pulled our file, approved us, and called to say our I171H would go out in the mail today!!! I take back everything I said about them!
Now, I've got to start on my mile long "to do" list!
Please pray for Piper Grace today, that she is getting plenty of food, warmth, and interaction.

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