Friday, August 24, 2007

I am finally convinced that it's time for me to start memorizing some scripture. I am embarrassed to say that I really haven't ever put a lot of time or effort into it, because, well it's hard!

So far I've memorized one verse, but it's a long verse! Already it is helping me keep my joy in God fresh throughout the day.

I think the hardest thing about having small kids is keeping that flame for Christ alive throughout the day while I'm wiping bottoms and pulling Piper off of the table for 10th time. The other day I listened while a man asked John Piper how to keep our joy in Christ during the mundane tasks of the day. One of the most important, he thought, was to have 4-6 verses in the background of your mind that you can "pull up" at any time, promises from God, that are meaningful to you. He mentioned Isaiah 41:10 as being one of his. It's always been one of my favorite as well, so I decided it would be a good place to start.

Here it is (from memory of course!)

Isaiah 41:10
"so, do not fear, for I am with you
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

So, yesterday, I was talking to my mom on the phone, planning Scott's bday. Piper was in the bathtub playing and I was sitting in the bathroom with her, where I could see her head, but not the water. Something told me to stand up and see what she was playing with. Well, my friends, it was not pretty, not pretty at all. How do I say this delicately? My sweet beautiful girl was playing in her own poo poo. Sorry, I know it's icky, but there it was.

What to do, what to do?
1. Get off the phone
2. Hold child under the arms and place her in the shower while she screams
3. Do your very best to wash her without touching any of the contaminated areas
4. Realize that is impossible
5. Fight the temptation to call your husband and somehow blame it on him
6. Once child is decontaminated, take a deep breath and remember that you have a bible verse, a promise from God, one verse, but one verse more than you had yesterday!
7. Remind God that He promised to strengthen you and help you b/c Lord knows, you NEED strength and help at this point
8. Survey contents of the bathtub
9. Decide that none of those plastic toys are worth what it would take to ever use them again
10. Cover as much of your body with plastic as possible and go to work.
11. Thank God that He protected the said child while she was on the kitchen table while you were scrubbing down the tub for the 5th time, just to be sure

It sounds weird, but recalling that promise really did help me in that moment. And this morning - I was so excited, I still remember the verse!

I was feeling pretty good about that until I watched this, the cutest little girl. EVER. Well, except for mine of course.
Click here:

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